Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Giving and/or Getting

Our 1st Christmas in China 2002

I'm looking at my calendar and it says December the first...oh, how could it have come so soon? A piece of cake...absolutely slid in under my nose and everything is in full-swing for a special season. God's son is the 'reason for the season' but it tends to be diluted w/the giving and getting.

I love giving (okay, getting is neat too) and sharing...warms my heart. This year I'd like to give something personal, something special that is an original from me...I'm working on it. In the process, I read something that really touched me...from Colonel James Irwin, one of our astronauts. See what you think...

"As I was returning to earth, I realized that I was a servant ~ not a celebrity. So I am here as God's servant on planet earth to share what I have experienced that others might know the glory of God."...Colonel James Irwin.

Astronauts really could get the 'big head'...'cause zippin' around in space is a huge biggie. Col. Irwin was awed by his experience and thankfully, wanted to share it w/the rest of us. It would be a truly magnificent experience...I can only imagine.

On a much smaller scale...Michael and I were constantly treated as 'celebrities' in China. One of our most humbling experiences occurred during the Christmas season...China's big into that now. The university where we were teaching scheduled a Christmas program w/M and I participating. We were given 'free rein' as to what we'd choose to do/perform...hmm!!! An opportunity for a God Work? A natural for us and we ran with it.

There were thousands in the auditorium...quite an awesome gathering...w/the two of us the only foreigners...what to do? Simple...we walked onto the cold heat, you know...and we told the story of Jesus' birth. Then the two of sang 'Silent Night'...unaccompanied. You could've heard a pin drop and believe me, that's an accomplishment in China. It was AWESOME...a wow moment. Did they love it? And how...they got 'the message'. Honestly, it was an honest-to-goodness 'ethereal experience'.

"As we returned to earth, we realized that we were servants, not celebrities. So we are here as Gods servants on planet Earth to share what we have experienced that others might know the glory of God." ...adapted by Vasca.

Thank you Father for presenting M and I with the opportunity to share your glory with so many who had never heard of or met you..and allowing me to be...

Balanced and Unafraid.

1 comment:

Terry Rush said...

Your heart-life experiences give the rest of us immeasurable pleasure.

It is fun being His!

Love you!