Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Things in the world are still in an uproar...even in our world. Money, oil, leaders, policies, hijackings...no end is there? Do you sometimes feel you might be at the end of your rope? I love what Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it." Good advice, yes?

Shopping for anything brings an awareness that prices are rising...before our very eyes. Even cat food? Aah, yes. Even cat food. The other day I asked Michael, "Honey, if we were stuck on an island or anywhere with nothing to eat but canned cat food, could we eat it?" He laughed.

Someone said, "Let's do more with what we have"...we have a lot. M and I could survive quite awhile on what we have in the house...food, that is...okay, clothing and lots of other things. I met a couple of friends in the grocery store one day and we all laughed about how much we had stored at home...and why then were we shopping every week and storing up even more? Oh, people...we have much.

So, gasoline/fuel costs are slated to go through the ceiling...perhaps they will, maybe they won't. Who knows? Will we drive less? Will people be able to afford to drive to work? I carpooled for some time while living in Odessa and working in Midland...good way to cut expenses. People do what they have to ~ to survive.

Herbert Hoover is quoted as saying, About the time we think we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends."

Okay, I'm cutting down on my cable channels...that will help us make it. WHAT? _______ HAS GONE UP? Oh, my word...the ends have been moved....again!

"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life." Philippians 3:6-7 (Msg)

At the end of your rope? Remember...tie a knot and hang on to God...HE has some kind of unfailing grip.

Balanced and Unafraid...

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